Friday Smiles

What a beautiful week, I think that we saw the sun almost every day this week. I only wish that it wasn’t so windy!

Here is what made us smile in 2T this week:

Mon. Apr. 23– reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Ellie)

Tues. Apr. 24– doing music and movement in gym (Hennessey)

Wed. Apr.. 25– jumping off the swings with Tristan (Grady)

Thurs. Apr. 26– doing stations in the gym (Everett)

Fri. Apr. 27– going to the assembly (Rylie)

We will be finishing the book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory next week. As a treat, we are going to watch the movie. It is a longer movie so we will watch part of it on Thursday, and the rest on Friday. I told the kids that they could bring a treat to have on Friday afternoon while they watch.

Enjoy your weekend!